Going Above & Beyond

The HT Group recognizes outstanding employees we have placed at our clients. Employees who have worked more than 80 hours that month are nominated by their managers and chosen via raffle. Congratulations to our Temps of the Month! Keep up the good work. If you would like to nominate an employee for next month, please email melissa.jamison@thehtgroup.com.


September / Beaumont – Brandon Lock

September Temp of the Month“Brandon is a very hard worker. He is reliable and takes initiative. He even came to work when his wife had their baby a few weeks ago.”

August / Beaumont – Jessica Tweedel

August“She is always on time. She shows up every day and willing to work early or late. She is a fast learner. She is reliable for getting whatever is needed done. She has a great work ethic and attitude.”

July / Beaumont – Darrel Posey

July Temp of the Month“Mr. Posey has really been an all-around all-star for Catholic Charities, and is incredibly pleasant while productive.”

May / Beaumont – Chelsie

May Temp of the Month“I nominated Chelsie because of the effort and the time she has put into her new job in the past two months. She has displayed great enthusiasm to learn and grow with the Alliance team. She shows up to work on time and strives to meet the deadlines required by her position. She is quick to pick things up, asks great questions and requires minimal supervision. I look forward to the day she transitions to Alliance as she will be a great asset to our team!”

April / Beaumont – Audrey Peck

April Temp of the Month“I nominate Audrey Peck. Audrey has great organizational skills and has worked hard to clean up the past assistant’s errors. We are very pleased with her skills and are lucky to have her.”

January / Austin – Steve Schnurr

“Steve can be counted on: He accepts all assignments with an excellent attitude. Steve is very punctual, always on time and at his assigned duties. He goes above and beyond the job requirements and we can count on Steve as if he was one of the core personnel at our warehouse. Steve is helpful and cooperative, he works very well with all the warehouse personnel. Quality work, willing to take on any and all job assignments. Steve has and keeps a professional attitude at our workplace, and others are happy to work with Steve. He is conscientious, considerate, and hard working. We really appreciate Steve.”

January / Beaumont – Tiffany Marcontell

“Tiffany has a great attitude and is learning her new position quickly. She is very personable and has already developed a rapport with other members of our team.”


December / Austin – John Ortiz

“He has been the perfect fit for us. He is a fast learner, polite and smart. We love him and he deserves to the EOM!”

December / Beaumont – Michelle Harrison

“1st United Methodist Church has been blessed beyond words due the recent employment of Mrs. Michelle Harrison as our church/financial secretary. In just 6 week’s time, Michelle has been a breath of fresh air for our office and all who have met her. She comes in early and stays late many times to take care of our church business. Her personality and interaction with our guests and members has everyone raving about her. She is always polite and makes everyone feel that they are important and cared for. She is a quick study and is not afraid to tackle any project. In short, she is just what our church needed! Thank you HT Group and Stephanie Grubbs for steering her our way.”

November / Austin – Lloyd Roberts

“Lloyd is remarkable! He always jumps on a task with no hesitation and then goes the extra mile. On top of all that, he does it with a great attitude. He fits in very well with our team and we’re lucky to have him. ”

November / Beaumont – Marcus Williams

“This young gentleman goes above and beyond. He’s so respectful, positive attitude, always willing to help others, wants to learn to better himself and the job. I’ve never heard him complain or be upset, he’s very deserving of Employee of the Month.”

October / Austin – Medeline Hegemann

“We at YETI would like to nominate Madeline Hegemann for the HT Employee of the Month Award for October. She has worked at YETI for only a few months, but she has made an incredible impact on the team. Madeline lives the YETI Values, and she never hesitates to help out a teammate in need. She is on a constant pursuit for knowledge so as to better serve our customers, and this passion doesn’t go unnoticed.”

October / Beaumont – Natisha Delgadillo

“I would like to nominate Tish! She’s incredible! Always has the best attitude, very friendly, very detailed in her work. She’s a keeper!”

September / Austin – Sean Ghigliotty

“Sean has been such a great asset to my team. He is a team player and willing to get the job done. With our company scaling up it comes with growing pains. However, he has been receptive with ongoing changes and gets the job done. I really appreciate his hard work.”

September / Beaumont – Chelsea Wilson

“Chelsea Wilson started at the Jason’s Deli Corporate Office in August as a Customer Service Rep and has fit right in with our team and the entire company. She is a ray of sunshine…always smiling! She is awesome with customers and does her best to make every one of the happy. She completes all tasks assigned to her and is always willing to learn and do more. Chelsea is also quick to help others without being asked. She will do great in any department she is promoted to. We are very happy to have Chelsea as a part of our Jason’s Deli family and look forward to her growing with the company!”

August/ Austin – Rhett Petersen

“We would like to nominate Rhett Petersen. He has 100% rocked it here and makes our team stronger! He comes in each day with an incredible mindset and goes above and beyond for our customers AND his teammates.”

August / Beaumont – Meagan Mullins

“Meagan started at the Jason’s Deli Corporate Office in June as a Customer Service Rep. Meagan jumped in learning all the processes and programs very quickly. She is very good with customers and works well with the Customer Service team and other departments. Any task assigned to her is completed accurately and timely. She is quick to volunteer to help others, notices when things need to be done…a great team player. She has a ‘whatever it takes’ attitude with a contagious smile. Meagan will do great in any department she is promoted to. We are very excited and happy to welcome her to our Jason’s Deli family!”

July / Austin – Alex Waterhouse

“Alex is dedicated to great customer service and to improving our team’s functionality – we’re lucky to have his support!”

July / Beaumont -Benita Caddy

“Benita is dependable, flexible, pleasant and a hard worker. She is willing to work odd hours if needed, like holidays or Sundays. She works well with our employees and our parishioners. Our staff is pulled in a lot of different directions and Benita responds with a smile.”

June / Austin – Omolola Abuda

“Omolola has been working RES for about 6 months. Lola has never been late, she is determined, joyful, inquisitive, loyal, dedicated and goes above and beyond anything we have expected from a temporary agency. Lola has shown her commitment to RES values and we now come to her for advice. She is invited to meetings due to us needing her input on several items…..Lola has learned programs we bought but did not have the time to learn them. She is now teaching us. Thank you for sending her to us.”

June / Beaumont – Ashley Bertling

“I nominated her because she has taken on another job that she wasn’t hired for. It has been very challenging and a lot to absorb in a short amount of time. Even when she is frustrated, she has the best attitude and is always so positive. I feel that she is doing a great job!”

May / Austin – Maricel Godinho

“Maricel has been a great help to THI. What started as a temporary position has become a temp-to-hire due to her impressive skillset. THI will be converting Maricel soon and we thank her for her hard work.”

May / Beaumont – Teela Marceaux

“I’m nominating Teela Marceaux for employee of the month for a few critical factors. First, she’s always on time and available for whatever hours you need her. Second, she maintains a professional demeanor even under the most stressful situations. Third, she has proven to be a fast learner and willing to take on whatever is asked of her.”

April / Austin – Andra Kubiak

“I nominated Andra because she adapted to our work environment very quickly and has gone above and beyond the expectations MoveCorp had for her position in such a short time. She’s a great asset to have and we’re excited to have her here!”

April / Beaumont – Gerald Paris

“Gerald is always on time, he is always in a good mood and is willing to go above and beyond. He also takes initiative to help someone or find something to do when things are a little slow.”

March / Austin – Diana Maldonado

“We are nominating Diana Maldonado for employee of the month. She went above and beyond setting up a tracking system for fraud orders we found in our system. It was impressive and definitely needed. She takes direction well and works hard to complete tasks assigned to her. She treats customers with respect and is aware that she is the voice of the company while working with the customers.”

March / Beaumont – Alicia Ptaszenski

“Alicia Ptaszenski is our March Employee of The Month. She currently is on an assignment with Trinity Railcar. Noelle Welch, HR Manager, had nothing but wonderful things to say about Alicia. Alicia has come in and gotten both the safety and HR department back in tip top shape. She is a great asset to our company. Thank you Alicia. ”

February / Austin – Trenton Brown

“Trenton accepts his responsibilities and adjustments for his assignment well. He has been on time and is consistently coming in on schedule. He is receptive to and performs his assignments ( flexible and willing), accepts his assignments and put’s his efforts forth in a good attitude. Trenton works well with the team he is assigned to.”

January / Beaumont – Erica Tate

“Erica Tate has been a terrific addition to our staff. Her pleasant personality allows her to provide outstanding customer service. In addition, her ability to learn our systems and catch on to our procedures has been superb. We look forward to having Erica with us for many years to come.”

January / Austin – Raquel De Jesus Ontiveros

“Raquel has become a vital member of our billing department. She is super sweet and always willing to learn new things. This is Raquel’s last week with the HT Group, because we like her so much, we are converting her Feb 5th.”


December / Beaumont – Hope Reynard

“I was my pleasure to nominate Hope for this award. She has been a game changer for Hardin County ESD#6. Hope came in at a time that we really needed help with our everyday office duties. Due to the hurricane and the loss of one of our fireman, we have been overwhelmed by the number of reports that have been requested. Hope has stepped up and worked with us to make this happen. Congrats Hope.”

December / Austin -James Canavan

“James was an integral part of our last month push to meet our Q4 revenue goals. We wouldn’t have made it without his contributions.”

November / Beaumont – Adam Johnson

“Adam has worked for us at Tyco Fire since October 12th. Kevin Fields cannot say enough great things about Adam. He has great attendance and willing to do whatever is asked to get the job done. We will be bringing him on as a full-time employee.”

November / Austin – Alex Genovesi

“Alex is one of the most hard-working, motivated people I have ever worked with. He comes in every day with a positive attitude, takes on new duties and responsibilities without question, and goes above and beyond on a daily basis to contribute to the team and the company’s success. We feel so fortunate to have him!”

October / Beaumont – Kayla Hanson

“Kayla has been an excellent addition to our team. She has not only excelled at her assigned duties, but has also taken on learning some of the other positions in our office. In doing so, she can step in as needed to help keep our department on top of our work load. Kayla has a great attitude and is a pleasure to work with.”

October / Austin – Alex Botero

“Alex is exactly the type of associate we were looking for: knowledgeable and experienced with a variety of valuable skills, and most importantly, professional and hardworking. Alex consistently demonstrates a commitment to quality and initiative and has seamlessly become an integral part of our team. Alex has done such a great job that we offered him a full-time position and we are excited that he’ll now be a part of our permanent team!”

September / Austin – Sherre Paris

“The employee that I nominate is Sherre Paris. She has done and continues to do a great job here at EZCorp, CJP. She has worked several different roles in our department, the latest being part of our audit and verification team. She caught on quickly and continues to be an asset here. She also enriches our work days here with her smiles and great sense of humor! We look forward to having her here in the months ahead and are grateful for having her as a part of our team.”

September / Beaumont – Staci Harkin

“Staci is so friendly and outgoing. She is very proficient and on time, and I appreciate her addition to our office family.”

August – Victor Estrada

“I am pleased to nominate Victor Estrada for the August Employee of Month for The HT Group. He is an asset to the department and he presents himself in a very professional manner. Even though Victor has only been with us for a short time, he has shown great skills combined with excellent customer service. Victor has already received positive feedback from our agents admiring his great customer service skills. Victor is a very quick learner, hard worker, and a rightly-motivated individual who contributes to the success of the team. He is also punctual and has great attendance, he has shown that he can be counted on, and I appreciate that! Thank you Victor and The HT Group.”

July – Christina Smith

“The employee I nominate is Christina Smith. She is doing a fantastic job. She caught on quickly and carries herself in a very professional manner. She is pleasant to her customers as well as her co-workers. Although she is still a temp I am very confident in having newer hires shadow her as she does a great job. I see her as being one of our mentors in the near future. She was an excellent choice and I am so happy to have her on my team.”

June – Ana Razo

“Ana is a very reliable individual who we value very much. She is a very diligent worker and has become a grand asset to our team. Ana will receive a gift card to Target. Thank you for your hard work! “