Within nine days, The HT Group interviewed hundreds of candidates over the phone, met with more than 70 candidates in person, and picked the top 22 temporary staffers for the job. Since then, The HT Group has increased staffing for the client to 32 representatives while the call center has received a near-perfect satisfaction rating among customers.A Leading Data Breach Response Organization

Cinderella stories may be common among Austin-based technology firms. But, as one technology company specializing in data breach response discovered, living this fairytale requires finding the right staff at the right time.
In September 2015, the still-budding organization found itself as the top competitor to an industry leader in the identity theft management vertical. As the organization neared the launch of a new product line requiring a strong customer relations team, it needed additional staff to succeed.
The HT Group was brought in to help develop a new 22-member call center team that would start in parallel with the launch. But the timing was tight. With only nine business days before the product line launch, the company feared there would not be enough time to find and hire quality candidates.
Within the nine-day timeframe, The HT Group drove a go-to-market plan to find the best talent available. The plan involved interviewing hundreds of candidates over the phone, meeting with more than 70 candidates in person, and picking the top talent from the pool.
At the end of the nine days, The HT Group hired 22 temporary call center representatives to help support the launch of the new product initiative. Each hire underwent a streamlined process of in-person interviews, background checks, skills assessments, and reference checks through The HT Group.
Each temp provided by The HT Group for the product launch stayed within the rate card for the project. Since the launch, The HT Group has increased its staffing support for the client, providing 32 full-time customer support representatives.
Currently the organization boasts a near-perfect customer satisfaction rating based on surveys sent to all customers who interacted with the customer support team and has received 24 awards for outstanding customer service.