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Why Summertime Is Hot for Hiring Employees

Most employers assume January is the best time of year to recruit top talent. After all, budgets are fresh and so are resolutions to finally snag that coveted dream job. In fact, the ratio of new candidates to new jobs is highest in January by a considerable margin (24 percent higher than the next month). But hold on.

Before you take the summer off, take a look at these reasons to, instead, ramp up hiring employees as the thermostat rises.


You avoid the holiday bulge.

Hiring employees during the January peak time isn’t necessarily a good strategy for employers/ The rush is often called the “New Year’s resolution effect” when everyone—including not-so-serious job seekers—are flooding employers’ and recruiters’ inboxes and making the task of selecting the right people more difficult. The same study that shows January is a peak month proves early summer is more ideal in terms of candidate noise relative to new jobs.


You have recruiters’ undivided attention.

Imagine a cute cat video. You could watch it for hours, right? Since summer hiring is more relaxed for employers, recruiters are able to take the opportunity to spend more time and energy to find those true “diamonds in the rough.” According to Monster, “For those with nontraditional but impressive employment backgrounds, there’s an advantage to looking in relatively slow hiring months like July…For example, recruiters, less pressed for time than in peak months, may be willing to take a longer look at an experienced professional woman seeking to return to work after taking years off to care for children.”


You can try before you buy.

Whether you need to cover for employees on summer vacation or simply need seasonal temporary staff, hiring employees as temps or contract workers in the summer can lead to great things once the weather cools down.  According to the American Staffing Association, half of staffing employees say temporary employment is a way to get a permanent job. One-third (35 percent) are offered a permanent job by a client where they worked on an assignment, and two-thirds (66 percent) of those accepted the offers of permanent employment. Why not take the opportunity to see for yourself?

So, go ahead: Put good recruiters to work when others are taking time off. Give potentially great employees a chance while your regular staff may be taking a break. Focus on candidate searches when others are at the beach. You’ll be happy you did.

Are you going fishing…for candidates…this summer? Tell us all about it here!


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